Supplementary Thirty-Two Week History Club or Co-op Schedule:For use with the Ancient History Portfolio “classic” and Ancient History Portfolio Junior
Pre-planned, tested schedule, gets your club or co-op up and running in no time at all!
A free printable file, with a detailed 32 week table containing the following:
A specific schedule synching the History Portfolio “classic” with the History Portfolio Junior.Suggested readings synching Mystery of History, Story of the World, Child’s History of the World, and Child’s Story Bible by Catherine Vos, with the Portfolio “classic” and Junior.Memory Work selections, within the context of the material being studied, for most of the 32 weeks.Suggested oral report topics, within the context of material being studied, for most of the 32 weeks.Grammar/English usage topics to touch on while completing group narrations.
Ancient History Portfolio – 32 Week Syllabus
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Plus, free files containing printable and consumable pages on the following subjects:
A list of memory work topics, extracted from the 32 week table, and presented as a single, more detailed list.Suggested oral report topics extracted from the 32 week table, and presented as a single weekly list. An extensive supply of copy work pages in Getty Dubay Italic (grey dash with lines) for Ancient History Portfolio Junior “Text Boxes”. A couple of extra notebooking pages, along with cut and paste activities, to add to the Portfolio when studying the Ten Commandments and the Tribes of Israel. And, basic files with lined pages in various different widths, sized for the History Portfolio “Text Boxes” and “Image Boxes”.
Memory Work
Oral Report Topics
Copy Work / Tracing
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Ten Commandments Extra
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Lined Pages – Classic and Junior
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