Illustrating the New Testament:
Bible Study Meets Fine Art
From “The Annunciation to Zacharias” thru “The Conversion of St. Paul”
Components of the Program
Illustrating the New Testament PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint Screen Shot
As a teaching aid to be used before the lesson of the day, the program includes a seventy-five page PowerPoint presentation with 190 images and comments.
Each of the 60 events included in the program are introduced using images from Early Christian art, Byzantine religious art and iconography, and Western religious art. Images are from Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Modern World.
To aid in discussion, comments are included for most of the 60 events.
Thirty-Six Week or Nine Unit Syllabus Options
These pages present the entire course outline at a glance, providing week or unit numbers, categories, and event titles with their corresponding Gospel passages. Choose the thirty-six week or the nine unit version.
Color Teaching Images
This component contains all 190 images from the PowerPoint presentation.
The substantial set includes a variety of images for each event, and provides the opportunity to compare and contrast images while simultaneously becoming exposed to great works of art from around the world and throughout the ages.
Set of Color Matching Cards
This essential hands-on component contains one representative image from each of the 60 events listed in the syllabuses. The label is to be matched to the image, and the cards then sorted into chronological order (Following the Gospel according to Matthew.)
Text Flash Cards
Personal flash cards for each student are to be used for memory work of event titles, plus keyword outlining (notetaking) and narration activities (retelling the stories in the student’s own words) using the keywords as necessary.
Using the Program
Format Summary
I. Reading
Using the Bible citations in the Thirty-Six Week Syllabus or Nine-Unit Syllabus, locate the stories in the New Testament.
Read aloud each story for the week or unit.
II. Parent/Teacher Presentation
Introduce the new Teaching Images for each week or unit. New images can be introduced and studied using the printed set of Teaching Images or simply the Illustrating the New Testament PowerPoint Presentation.
Refer to the provided commentary in the PowerPoint presentation.
Identify, compare and contrast, and discuss the provided images for each event.
III. Student Memory Work Activity
After the New Testament reading and initial introduction to the images for the week or unit, have students use the Color Matching Cards to match the name of the story/event with the corresponding image.
Sort the Color Matching Cards into chronological order. At each session, always start from the beginning and add the new cards for each week or unit.
IV. Student Narration/Presentation
Add keywords to the back of each 3” x 5” Text Flash Cards.
Invite the students to retell the stories, using the key words as necessary.
Q and A
Question: I plan to use this curriculum with just 2 children, and I want to buy the digital format. Do I need to print the 190 Full Color Teaching Cards?
Answer: No. With a very small group, you could choose to view and study all of the Color Teaching Images from the PowerPoint presentation.
Question: I will be working with a co-op. I’d like more than one set of Color Matching Cards. Which format should I purchase?
Answer: If you purchase the digital format, you can print as many sets as you need for you co-op or classroom.
Question: Why would someone choose the digital format when you sell one already printed?
Answer: Some people are handy with using their home printer, and like the idea of spreading out their costs, ie. paying $32.95 now, and incrementally paying for the cost of printing throughout the year.