Teaching writing to a multi-level group, at home or in co-op, does not have to be a challenge. Make it focus on organization, and give skills which will serve them in all areas of their lives. It may come as no surprise, but I use history as a spine on which to hang many […]
Tag Archives | co-op

Background to the Civil War Pt. 1
This school year, we are studying the background to the Civil War through the 1990’s. We do 1 hr. of writing and 1 hr. 15 mins. of history every other week with a group of about 12 students who are between 5th and 8th grade. Between co-op times, we work on our own. The students are […]

History: Developing a Research and Writing Heavy Approach Pt. 1
This post will be part of a series about writing, especially supporting the study of history in your homeschool, co-op, or small school. I’ll be contributing to this series bit by bit. The first installment will focus on “Observation and Analysis.” Upcoming posts will follow-up, and will focus on the steps which I call “Practice […]